Mk 11 for switch
Mk 11 for switch

You’ll notice in all of our 30hz cinematics that the focus that we’ve placed on our fluid simulations. It’s all custom tech and our great team of animators are knocking it out of the park. Like I think of Geras’ fatality where he’s freezing time and you see the different facial expressions on the characters especially when he does it on Skarlet. And to be able to build on such a successful implementation of facial animation in MKX has been great. We did something really special our facial animation in Injustice 2. TT: We have our own custom blend shaped technology that powers our facial rigs. How do you achieve that level of fidelity? And how does that feed into the gore? GR: The animation in Injustice 2 was impressive. GR: Do you know internally what the DLC characters you will have? How far in advance do you plan it out. Ed has a special way of distilling feedback and figuring out what the community is really feeling. Fan input has a really big weight on what Ed does. He always likes to take into account people’s desires for characters. TT: So you know Ed does all of those Twitter polls. So how do you balance who you all want for DLC versus the rampant demands of those fans? GR: Red Hood was DLC in Injustice 2 mostly because of the fans. This game is about giving as much control to the player as possible. You can customize the victory screen when you don’t do a Fatality and the intro that plays in the beginning of a match. Instead of pre-baking variations for you, we’re going to let the player create as many Variations as they want with various different augments, gear pieces, and abilities. Our main focus with MK11 is returning as much control to player as we possibly can. TT: We got a positive response from the Variation system we introduced in MKX. How has customization spread to the other parts of the game? GR: I saw some of the customization options in the menu. But we’re not currently talking about how that works with gear and augments. TT: There will be a tournament mode that will offer a level playing field. Are these augments and gear moves in competitive mode? How is the team making sure this gear stuff isn’t just relegated to the single-player modes? GR: That sounds a little different from the gear moves in Injustice 2 which hardly anyone used because they weren’t allowed in competitive play. Those builds with Skarlet, like the blood scythe builds I’ve been building, have been the most fun for me. She has another augment that’s the inverse of that: she takes damage throughout the match but if she’s landing blood attacks, she’s healing even more. Or with Skarlet, they add passives like if any of her blood attacks are being blocked, she will heal from it. TT: For instances, some of the augments we have are that the Fatal Blows will do 10 percent more damage. GR: When you stats, do you mean moves or…? If you want stats on your gear, you can put them on there the exact way you want. So you’re not tied to any stat on any one piece of gear. There are other drops that you get where you can choose specific stats on the gear or the specific special move augment that you want for a particular piece of gear. So all of the gear drops that you get that are the masks, the spears, or the blood vials have no stats by themselves. TT: One of the main differences is from Injustice 2’s gear system is that we’ve really divorced the cosmetic and statistical nature of gear. What did you learn from the gear system and how did you improve upon that? GR: The gear system is kind of back from Injustice 2. Do I save it and try to win normally? Or do I use now and get the round and try to tough it out the rest of the match. And it’s like if I use it now to win this round, I’m not going to have it if I get into the same situation.

mk 11 for switch

So a lot of times when I’m getting into a fight, we’ll get down to the end of the first round and both of us will have it. And the thing to remember is that you only get one Fatal Blow per match. TT: It affords the player some more flexibility when they use it. GR: The new super moves are called Fatal Blows and initially seem a little weighted towards newer players.

Mk 11 for switch